

Monday, October 16, 2017

Primary Singing time in Belize

This past Sunday I was able to help with singing time with the children in our Spanish congregation.  The only thing is, I don't speak Spanish. (I can understand a little bit of Spanish) Fortunately, the children can speak both Spanish and English.  They have learned the songs in Spanish that they are going to sing for the Sacrament meeting program in a couple of weeks and they just needed a review.  

I decided to  download the songs  in Spanish that we would be reviewing.  As the children sang the songs with the recording,  I found activities that they could do as they sang the songs.   

With the song, "As a Child of God", I talked about the time signature that is found at the beginning of the printed music -- 3/4.  I explained that the 3 means that there are 3 beats per measure.
I then passed out the below shakers and told them that we would shake the music makers to the beat of the music with the first shake being the down beat.  I explained that we would shake the first shake a little lower than the other shakes while saying down-2-3, down-2-3, etc.  
I got these containers at the dollar store.  They are toothpick holders.  
You can also use plastic Easter eggs and fill them with beans or rice.

Then we repeated the song, this time shaking the music makers and singing the words at the same time.  Lastly we put down the music makers and did a 3/4 conducting pattern just like the chorister does as we sing the hymns in Sacrament meeting.  

Here is a video of "As a Child of God"
You can also see the video by clicking here.  

Next we sang "Nephi's Courage".  I used the follow position cards (aka Primary Yoga!) as they sang the words to the song.  During the chorus, we took a break from the yoga positions and marched as we sang.   I got the idea for this activity off of Camille's Primary Idea webpage.  You can get to the explanation on how to use these pictures for singing time by clicking here.  This activity is a great way to practice any song as you sing the song over a couple of times for review.

Here is a video of Nephi's Courage
You can also see the video by clicking here.  

Another easy and simple way to practice a song  is to use the below cards.  I have the children sing the whole time and they  stand or sit, whenever a card is being held up or not.  Sometimes I have both cards up.  Then they all stand up.  Next you could hold up just the boy card, and then the girls sit down, etc.  
To get to the above picture to print, click here and then go to the music activities link at the bottom of the page and it will be on the second page of the pdf.  

For the last activity I passed out the below picture to every child and I taught them the Smiles song.  (In English)  I loved learning this song as a child and was glad to share this happy memory with them.  
You can get a picture of the smile/flown face by clicking here 
You can print up the following pages front and back on card-stock paper to pass out to the children as they sing the song, Smiles.