

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas Nativity Sets

While I was in Belize, I discovered this free printable nativity set available on the made by joel website.  
Handing out this simple nativity set has brought me so much joy.  I have given this set to so many people --young, old, teenagers, and ages in-between.  Enjoy the smiles of some of the children who have received it.

Click here to go to the made by joel link for the free Nativity Scene printable   I print the 3 pages on card-stock paper, cut the figures out, and place the set in a quart size ziplock bag to hand out.  As the child sets it up for the first time, we talk about the stable, the animals, and the events of baby Jesus' birth.  


I discovered that after the children set up the nativity, it is fun to have them watch this video that tells the nativity story.  As the song sings about a part of the scene they have set up, the children can point to that item that is being sung about at the time.   (See the words below that are in bold print
The Nativity Song
by Patricia Kelsey Graham

1. This is the season beloved of the year.
Sing a rhyme; Christmastime soon will be here.
Tell the true story of Jesus’ birth,
When, as a baby, he came to the earth.

2. This is the new star, shining so bright,
Lighting the world on that first Christmas night.
This is the angel proclaiming the birth,
Singing “Hosanna!” and “Peace on the earth!”

3. This is the stable, shelter so bare;
Cattle and oxen first welcomed him there.
This is the manger, sweet hay for a bed,
Waiting for Jesus to cradle his head.

4. These are the shepherds, humble and mild,
Hast’ning to worship the heavenly child.
These are the wise men who followed the star,
Frankincense, gold, and myrrh brought from afar.

5. See the sweet mother, Mary so fair,
Joseph, who guided the donkey with care.
See the dear baby of Bethlehem,
Little Lord Jesus, the Savior of men.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

We're Tied Up in Knots

We send to all our friends, far and near, this year's Christmas card, with love.
You can see the other Magpad Christmas cards through the years by clicking here.  

Friday, December 6, 2019

It's a Tie!

Grandbaby # 8 has us all tied up.  We  have 4 granddaughters and with this latest little one joining our family, 4 grandsons.   Renee and Dave's baby boy was born just before Thanksgiving which has given us a lot to be thankful for!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving Activity Ideas

picture:  Freedom From Want by Norman Rockwell
As we gather around the Thanksgiving table this year, we'll be "talking turkey".  This is an activity to get some conversation going and to learn a little more about those we love.  

Let’s Talk Turkey!  

  1. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food and why?
  2. Share a Thanksgiving memory.
  3. What is something that happened this year that you are thankful for?
  4. What part of the Thanksgiving story do you like the best?
  5. Why do you think Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday?
  6. What’s something that happened in your lifetime that you are thankful for?  
  7. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
  8. What are you looking forward to doing the week after Thanksgiving? 
  9. Tell about a Black Friday shopping experience.
  10. What’s a Thanksgiving experience you had while away from home?  
  11. Whole or jelly cranberry sauce?  Why?  
You can print this up and pass it out:
Made by Joel came through by designing and making available this placemat.   We'll be printing it up and have crayons available to keep the kids busy before the meal is served.  
You can get the pattern for the placemat on  the Made by Joel's website by clicking here.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"Holding On and Letting Go"

I am an auditory learner and enjoy listening to past devotionals given at the different BYU campus devotionals.  I enjoyed listening to Elder L. Todd Budge's address given at a BYU-Hawaii devotional on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019

Here are some summary thoughts taken from webpage about Elder Budge's address  (click onto this link to read the whole article)

Elder Budge shared with BYU-Hawaii students four things to let go:

Let go of sin. 
Let go of guilt. 
Let go of grudges.
Let go of your own will. 

Elder Budge encouraged students to not let go of their righteous expectations or desires, such as finding a companion to marry, having children or being free of sickness. “But do let go of your attachment to them as a condition of your happiness,”

“Life is much more joyful when we choose to trust God and His plan for us,” 

Elder Budge also shared four things to hold on to that will increase joy and the power to let go:

Hold on to the Holy Ghost.
Hold on to your faith.
Hold on to the word of God.
Hold on to your covenants.

You can also see the video by clicking here

One more quote from the Church News article:

Elder Budge encouraged students to find joy by holding fast to that which is of God and letting go that which is not. Letting go of grudges is one of several ways to increase joy, Elder Budge told the students. 

“If there is anyone you have not forgiven, I invite you to let go of your judgement of that person, leave that to God, and allow yourself to love them instead,” Elder Budge said. “I testify that you will be much happier when you do.”

Don't take my word for it about what a great devotional this was.  Take 30 minutes and listen to it yourself.  It will brighten your day.   

Friday, September 6, 2019

Payday....Almost 2 Years Later

This was on a post from on our mission blog dated November 5, 2017:

On Sunday after attending church in San Pedro, it was a quick dash to the water taxi wharf in the rain for the one and a half hour boat ride home. 
The time passed quickly as  Elder Magnusson and I talked to different passengers on the boat.  I was able to talk to a woman who was the president of the disabled non-profit group for Belize. (Belize Assembly for Persons with Diverse Abilities)

She was very excited when I told her about our church's humanitarian services that has helped people around the world by donating wheelchairs to communities in need….

After our experience on that boat ride home, I composed this letter to the *Church’s humanitarian department:

My name is Sister Kathleen Magnusson.  My husband and I are assigned as MLS (Member Leader Support) missionaries in the El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize Mission, serving in the country of Belize.

This week during our travels we met Roxanne A. Marin, volunteer president of the non-profit organization,  Belize Assembly for Persons with Diverse Abilities  — BADDA. 

She told me her plight of working hard to help the people of Belize with disabilities.  As she talked, my mind immediately went to our church’s humanitarian services…

We discussed the country’s need for wheelchairs. Ms. Marin stated that wheelchairs are in high demand.  Is this an area that we could pursue with this organization on behalf of the Church?

Almost two years later with lots of communication, phone calls, training, and behind the scenes work, I was so happy when I read this on the Belize Red Cross’ Facebook page dated August 29, 2019: 
Today was a happy day for the Belize Red Cross! In strong partnership with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Charities, 5 Assessors and 3 Technicians of wheelchairs were trained and certified through a new and upgraded wheelchair program, all Volunteers of the BRC. 335 wheelchairs were donated to the Belize Red Cross to serve the people living with disabilities. This program not only helps the National Society to meet the 3 strategic aims of the Red Cross: to build communities that are prepared, resilient and better able to cope with the negative impacts of disasters and crises, health and safety in our communities and to promote a culture of non violence, peace and inclusion, but it helps the BRC to accomplish its mandate to alleviate suffering wherever it is found! Recipients of these wheelchairs will be given a sense of independence, the opportunity to engage in, and actively participate in social activities or perform at work, etc. Twenty 20 persons were assessed and appropriately fitted to very safe and sturdy wheelchairs that meet their needs. The program is different from the past and will require proper assessment of the particular need of the person for fitting of the wheelchair before distribution.

The Belize Red Cross thanks LDS Charities, especially their members and team of trainers. A great big thanks go out to the BRC Volunteers who selflessly gave up 4 days to be trained to provide this service. There is no greater joy than to be able to serve others and to improve their lives. 


This is Roxanne Marin’s (the president of BAPDA -Belize Assembly for Persons with Diverse Abilities - who I met on the boat) reaction to my making her aware of the Belize Red Cross’ FB post:  

Marvelous Monday Elder and Sister. Good to hear from you. I’m so excited to have my organization be a recipient of your wheelchair mission.  It's amazing to see how a conversation on a boat can produce such amazing results. I’m truly happy to have met you both. It was surely a connection that was destined to happen.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Red Cross made a big impact in the life of persons with disabilities using wheelchairs in Belize. Many thanks to you and your husband for making the connection and including BAPDA

Rosa is one of our Belizean friends that would worship with us at church from time to time.   
Charles with this friend, Stewart.  They are members of the Belize City Branch.

This was the closing statement on the original November 5th blogpost:

These experiences that we are having here on the mission reminds me that our loving Heavenly Father is aware of all of His children and it is an honor for us to be, at times, "His hands" to touch people's lives
*Our church's humanitarian webpage states: 

20 million disabled people need wheelchairs but cannot obtain one. Humanitarian Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who operates LDS Charities, provides wheelchairs and walking aids to those in need who cannot afford one. The recipient’s mobility, employability, and independence are greatly increased.

Last year, Humanitarian Services provided wheelchairs to 55,000 people in 48 countries. They included 430 wheelchairs to Kazakhstan, 1,484 wheelchairs to Vietnam, and 330 wheelchairs to Madagascar.

May 15, 2023 - Another Update 6 years later 

My friend from Belize shared on his Facebook page this post from La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días - Centroamérica about another wheelchair donation in Belize that took place this past week.  

Belize 🇬🇺 Wheelchair Donation. The Church of Jesus Christ in Central America donated more than 350 wheelchairs to the Belize-based International Red Cross. They also provided training to the technical staff at different stages of the evaluation, assembly and repair process.
#IglesiadeJesucristoCA #VeniraCristo #Noticias 

 Here are some pictures from the Church's Central America Facebook post:  

The church also produced this video about this latest Belize wheelchair donation experience. 
Click here and here for two other articles from the Churchnews webpage about the Belize wheelchair donations.

What have I learned from these experiences over the past 6 years?  Heavenly Father knows His children and has made it possible for those in need in Belize to obtain wheelchairs.  


Saturday, July 13, 2019

What a difference 47 years makes

This is a picture of Scott in 1972 when he was dropped off at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho his freshman year.  He is standing in front of his dorm building -- Rigby Hall-- with this parents and youngest brother.  
The picture on the right is Scott and I 47 years later standing in the same place. Now, Rigby Hall houses the English and ROTC department offices; the dorm rooms are now professors' offices.  

Looking forward to what the next 47 years will bring.....

And then there were seven...

...grandchildren, that is.

When we left for our mission two years ago, we had 3 grandchildren.  Last month, we welcomed Sam and Makelle's beautiful baby girl to our family.  We could't be more excited!
You can read about our three other mission blessing grandbabies by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Fun Activity for Children

I found this video on my FB page at this link and could hardly wait to have my grandchildren try it.  I made 4 square rows across and 4 square rows up with blue tape on the carpet.  My 8, 7, and 5 year old grandchildren were able to do it!  The 5 year old was better being the last one where she could follow her older siblings.  It also helped to have some kind of beat maker like the lady had in the video.  Enjoy!

2023 update

You can take this activity to a whole new level.  Click here to see what I mean.  I found this version on my Facebook page. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Oakland Temple

Whether it was as an eight-year old visiting here in 1964 for its open house or being married here 13 years later, the Oakland Temple has always been special to me. Now, after renovation this temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is open for the public to see inside.

Enjoy watching this informative video about the temple which talks about its history and gives you a look inside.  
The temple is located directly across from San Francisco.
If any of you would like to go inside and tour the Oakland Temple, now's your chance. The tours are going on from May 11-June 1 and everyone is welcome to attend.   Click here for the schedule and to make a reservation. (Be sure to scroll down to the Oakland Temple site)  If the reservations are full, walk-ins are welcome, but reservations will receive first priority.

With my mom and brother as we attended the original open house.  
We were married in the Oakland Temple on December 28, 1977.  

Read more about the rededication of the temple on the newsroom link by clicking here and watch the video below.  

Thursday, May 2, 2019

BYU's "Favorite Catholic"

I ran across this BYU graduation speech on the BYU Facebook page.  I enjoyed the message and wanted to share it here.  And remember:  No eye rolling.  (listen to talk to see what I mean)

From BYU’s webpage:

April 25

"We don't need to disagree less. We need to disagree better."

Musician, social scientist, best-selling author and the president of the American Enterprise Institute Arthur Brooks received an honorary doctorate at today's commencement exercises and delivered a remarkable address that everyone's been talking about since.

He included a great story about a BYU briefcase he carries, thoughts from President Nelson and Helaman 5, fascinating social science research and important insight into major current issues.

All of this from BYU's "favorite Catholic."

Monday, March 18, 2019

Norman Rockwell's inspiration

On Saturday night the village of Succotz had a community celebration on the soccer field across the street from us until the wee hours of the morning.  As part of the celebration, music was played over loud speakers for all to hear.  When I had enough music from the celebration, I turned on some music in my room from the Tabernacle Choir found on this link.  When I tuned in, Music and the Spoken Word program was playing.

As part of the program Lloyd Newell told this story titled "A Painter's Perseverance" that inspired me.  That painter would be Norman Rockwell

"Triple Self-Portrait"

A Painter's Perseverance

The famous artist Norman Rockwell painted hundreds of magazine covers during his lifetime. But he didn’t just paint life, he lived it. He knew success and failure, joy and sorrow—just as we all do. 

Early in his career, he learned to keep trying, even when he didn’t feel like he could. Once, when the Saturday Evening Post rejected a cover illustration he had painted, he felt like giving up. But he remembered something he read in a book: “If you fall on your face, don’t lie there and moan, get up.” 

So he did just that. He went directly to the barbershop, climbed into a chair, and said to the barber, “Give me everything you’ve got.” After a shave, a haircut, a shoeshine, and whatever else was offered, he rose from the chair a new man. He walked briskly, chin up and chest out, to the offices of another magazine, where he sold the painting. The next morning he started a new cover for the Saturday Evening Post.

He would go on to paint more than 300 covers for the Post, each portraying commonplace life and lasting values. He told stories with his brush and paint that have influenced generations. His painting of daily life could bring a tear, a smile, and a comforting reassurance that we all have common hopes, dreams, and experiences. 

Norman Rockwell’s autobiography ends with these words: 

“I get up early every morning. I’m at work by eight. . . . I realized a long time ago that I’ll never be as good as Rembrandt. 

“I think my work is improving. I start each picture with the same high hopes, and if I never seem able to fulfill them I still try my darnedest.

“. . . Somebody once asked Picasso, ‘Of all the pictures you’ve done, which is your favorite?’ ‘The next one,’ he replied.”

Norman Rockwell died at age 84 with an unfinished painting on his easel.

Below are some his his most famous painting that I got from this website.

"Freedom From Want"

"Saying Grace"

"Golden Rule"

"The Runaway"

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Let's Go Fly a Kite

In Succotz, Belize, we live across the street from the school and community soccer field.  I always enjoy watching the different activities that go on from time to time. One afternoon this week I heard a lot of joyful laughter coming from the field.  I was happy to see the school children running around flying kites.
The scene brought back a childhood memory of the movie "Mary Poppins" and the song, "Lets Go Fly a Kite".
The message of the song is to remind us to take time to spend with our families and perhaps,..... go fly a kite together!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Jesus Loved the Children

Some of my favorite experiences here in Belize are my encounters with the children.  As we pass by, they alway have a smile and greeting for us.  If the opportunity arises, I like to hand them a little something from my purse.  

Often, as we pass this house, the children stand at the door and wave. 
Finally we stopped and I gave them my smile/frown handout that I have a supply of in my purse. They were so happy to receive it. 

This picture is an excellent  illustration of a child's reaction to receiving the handout.  
My first Christmas in Belize I started handing out simple naivety sets printed on card-stock. The children loved receiving and playing with them so much, I have started handing out the set anytime of the year, not just at Christmas time.   
Sister VandeMerwe gave me this simple 12 piece puzzle of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus.  Children love doing this puzzle over and over again.  

Here are the resources for the above activities if you want a supply in your own purse.  

Click here to go to the link for the Nativity Scene.  I print it up on card-stock paper and put the set in a quart ziplock bag.
To make the smile/frown handout, I print the following two pages back to back on card-stock paper and cut out each picture.
You can order the Mini Puzzle of the baptism of Jesus at by clicking here.