

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Seminary Memories

This post is reappearing from one of my Seminary Teachers Facebook pages dated January 15, 2016.  I think it is showing up because we are studying the book of Moses in Come Follow Me Sunday School manual this week and I think people are going to the # of Moses 7.  For whatever the reason, I'm enjoying these seminary memories.  

#Moses7:18 #ScriptureMastery Moses 7:18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.
Yesterday our class was reviewing scripture mastery scriptures. They pulled the card for Moses 7:18 and without any prompting, my students grabbed each other's hands and one student snapped this picture.
This post is from January 19, 2016:  
I'm glad that these feet brought my students to seminary this morning.  My students make it a great way to start each day.  This morning we talked about how the Children of Israel had a hard time making correct choices because of wicked influence of the Canaanites and that we need to keep wicked influences out of our lives.
....a post rom February 2015:
My seminary class rocks!  D&C 87:8 Wherefore, stand ye in holy places and be not moved...

One more seminary memory that I don't want to forget.  This video is nothing official.....It's just a group of early morning seminary teachers welcoming their students back to a new seminary school year.  I enjoyed showing this on the first day of class after our summer break  (before our opening prayer, of course).  
Double click onto the arrow to watch.

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